The reason we have rules is so that we can listen better and get good grades and get a good education.We need rules because if we don't then the school would be a total madhouse!And also without rules we would be getting hurt and go to the nurse every single day!And if we get hurt then the teachers wouldn't know what to do then our parents would find out and take us out this school.Sometimes if the teachers don't have anymore rules maybe the students could think of some rules.The only cool thing about rules is if we follow the rules then we can do fun things like play computer games, and get extra resses!I feel I've maybe been acting like a college prep student because I have been passing quizzes and turning in most of my homework!The way we are supposed to act is eyes on the speaker, mouths closed, and don't sit by someone you are tempted to talk to.When you are sitting in the lunch room eating your lunch don't throw your food or talk with your mouth open or don't even talk LOUD! You have to sit down nicely,finish your food before you talk, and talk quietly.That would be following the rules.Another rule would be respecting the teacher when she's talking because if you don't you will get in some serious trouble! In most of my classes I talk a lot I don't know why in my other school I would talk in my classes also.