I feel I'm doing good in tech but, the most thing I'm frustrated with is with my wiki the reason why I'm having trouble is because I still can't put a picture on my wiki.The only thing I can do to understand better is by just ignore my friends and listen really hard to Ms.Miller.Ms.Miller can help me understand is by sending me messages on Gmail about what I have to do in class and if I can't do it during class then I can just try to do it at home.I think the things I'm good at is Gmail,putting videos on my wiki,and putting pictures,videos,and writing blogs on my blogger! I really like my blog because I can put pictures,videos,and blogs I think it's really,really awesome!I have like three blogs a English blog a math blog and a Globaloria blog.Tech is like my favorite class in the whole school!I really like my teacher because she lets us play games on the computer! What I don't like about her is that she only gives us like 5 minutes of game time!