Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Spaghetti and Meatballs

My team is really going good.My role is team caption!I love being team caption but the hard thing about it is that sometimes members of my team are roaming around the room and its kind of hard getting them back into the group!I'm good at my job because I can get my team in order and most of the time they listen.Sometimes we have disagreements but not sometimes if we do have issues we resolve them by...well I don't know how we resolve our problems.I'm really looking forward to seeing our game online!I think it's going to one of the best games ever!Well that's at least what our team says!The roles are,Caption:Jason, Assistant:Harold,Researcher:Monica,Flash Export:Javier,and our Wiki Updater:Jasmine A.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The First Ever Alien Jordan Pic!!!!

Paper Prototype

I think my paper prototype is going good my group and I did some pretty neat stuff on there and I owe that to Javier.Me and my team didn't thank it was to difficult and yes I do understand the concept of the prototype its going to help us with how our game is going to like.It is awesome having a group helping you with your game especially with some of your friends!The things I like about my team is that they help me even though I'm team captain.Some things I don't like about my team is that most of the time they are fooling around and roaming around the room!But its okay they are still an awesome team!I think our progress is going to be good the rest of the year.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Globaloria Game!

My thoughts about globaloria are that at the beginning of the class it was kind of boring but now its' getting fun!I love the class because most of the time Ms.Miller lets us play games and we get to work together in groups!(I'm team captain!)In globaloria so far I've learned a lot of things such as flash,making a wiki,making a blog,and making a Gmail!I love to blog it's so awesome most of the time we get to blog anything most of the time!In tech right now we are working in groups trying to make brand new game!I look forward to make one of the most coolest game ever!My game concept is poverty me and my group agreed on doing poverty.The game ideas are going good my group and I are almost done with our paper prototype!And last I'm really excited about making my first game it's going to be awesome!